Contact Info
General Information: general@indomegah.com
Project Inquiries including RFQ/RFP and competition invitations, please contact: project@indomegah.com
Careers: hrd@indomegah.com
Contact us for an appointment
Kompleks Daan Mogot Baru Blok LA 14 No 10-11
Cengkareng – Jakarta Barat 11840 Indonesia
T. +6221 540 1054
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If you have any questions relating to our company services or publication contents we are here for you. After you filled the form, we will send you follow up email as soon as possible.
Company Profile
Architect Indomegah’s company profile consists of selected 40 architectural works which have been built since 2001.
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We believe collaborations is the key to building better services, team works, and networks in the future. That’s why we would like to grow and expand your studio’s potential with us!
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