The Story
Architect Indomegah, founded in 2001 by Henry Kusnadi, is one of the well-respected architecture firms in Indonesia. Based in Jakarta, Architect Indomegah has produced a wide range of work, ranging from public buildings, commercial office buildings, residential and hospitality development, educational and institutional facilities, diverse mixed-use commercial developments, to urban master plan.
Architect Indomegah had a very brilliant start at the beginning of its journey, marked by the glorious success of Proyek Pusat Niaga Puri Agung Cengkareng and Mal Kelapa Gading Trade Center (Mal KTC) both in sales and their development projects. Soon after, Gapura Prima Group and Lippo Group have granted Indomegah with the biggest portion of their projects to date and played such important roles in the early successful years of Indomegah existence.
Soon after, Indomegah gained many valuable trust from major developer groups such as Summarecon Group, Pakuwon Djati Group and Agung Podomoro Group. Indomegah has gained their trust and opportunity to be the architect of their high-valued and highly reputable projects.
Another vital momentum of Indomegah Existence started on September 2, 2001 when they began their active processes of human resource development involving the senior architects as well as the whole staff, in Jl Batu Tulis no 22 – Central Jakarta. As time goes by and due to the ever increasing amount of projects, the numbers of people joining Indomegah increased to the total of 53 people in 2003.
At that moment, Indomegah stated its existence as one of the respected Architectural Consultants in Indonesia’s property business. Indomegah offers integrated services to all clients which came from various markets through projects spreads in all over Indonesia. The Indomegah’s architect team comprises of people from various scientific backgrounds in order to be able to design various projects creatively, simply because a great design able to affect the overall quality of living and environment. Indomegah commitment’s central point is on creative problemsolving with the highest international standard, and innovativeness as the result of oriented approaches.
The partnerships with its clients are built based on the values of mutual trust and respect in creating a single purpose of achieving goals through cooperative spirit.
As designer, Indomegah possesses great opportunities, with great responsibilities to help shaping and creatinv the world to be a better place to live in.
The New Indomegah
Another vital momentum of Indomegah Existence started on September 2, 2001 when they began their active processes of human resource development involving the senior architects as well as the whole staff, in Jl Batu Tulis no 22 – Central Jakarta. As time goes by and due to the ever increasing amount of projects, the numbers of people joining Indomegah increased to the total of 53 people in 2003.
At that moment, Indomegah stated its existence as one of the respected Architectural Consultants in Indonesia’s property business. Indomegah offers integrated services to all clients which came from various markets through projects spreads in all over Indonesia. The Indomegah’s architect team comprises of people from various scientific backgrounds in order to be able to design various projects creatively, simply because a great design able to affect the overall quality of living and environment. Indomegah commitment’s central point is on creative problemsolving with the highest international standard, and innovativeness as the result of oriented approaches.
The partnerships with its clients are built based on the values of mutual trust and respect in creating a single purpose of achieving goals through cooperative spirit. As designer, Indomegah possesses great opportunities, with great responsibilities to help shaping and creatinv the world to be a better place to live in.
Architect Indomegah provides a working environment that fulfills aspiration, enhances knowledge and skills, and continuously builds a culture of excellence. We are a professional organization that embodies a passion for producing excellent design and solutions. We believe that high-achieving professionals are motivated by: Ambition, clear expectations, explicit career paths, fair reward and recognition, inclusive culture, minimum bureaucracy, leaders who are professionally credible, a sense of the big picture, stimulating challenging work.
Business Partner
For the the past 20 years of experience and achievements in both architecture and property scope, Architect Indomegah’s services divided into:
” Ada pepatah, setiap waktu / zaman akan mencetak pahlawan-pahlawan / orang sukses, diawali tahun 2000 adalah zamannya Bp. Ir Henry Kusnadi, cerdas, cermat, cekatan, proyek-proyek kami merasa ada sinergi yang begitu kuat sehingga proyek-proyek kami ikut menghias kota-kota tercinta di bumi pertiwi Indonesia “
“ Pengalaman kami berhubungan dengan bapak Henry Kusnadi adalah baik. Beliau orang yang disiplin sehingga ketepatan waktu selalu dijaga. Pak Henry banyak pengalaman di bangunan komersial dan ide-idenya bagus “
“ Henry Kusnadi, sahabat dan arsitek yang pintar, lincah dan kreatif. Banyak proyek-proyek kami berhasil karena kemitraan dengan kelompoknya. Kesungguhan dan semangat kerja mereka merupakan kenikmatan dalam kerja sama selama ini. Biar Tuhan terus meberkati mereka ”
“ A successful architect is one who not only designs, but has the ability to ensure the best results in tune with the business requirements of his clients. You have exemplified all that is good for a successful architect “
“ I feel honoured to share my thought on your portfolio showcase book. It is my opinion that you are very fascinating when it comes to fresh idea in architectural elements in your designs. Working with you will always be interesting challenge, intellectuality. Congratulation on your second compilation of great design “
“ I would like to congratulate you on the rise of Architect Indomegah as one of indonesia’s most successful architectural practices. Indomegah is a member a small, elite group of architectural institutions to have consistenly won a BCI Asia Top 10 Award since the ranking was establish. Henry, I have immensely enjoyed our contact over the years and look forward to winessing the continued growth of Architectural Indomegah and construction of its innovative design ”
“ Kami dapat merasakan manfaat kerjasamanya, terutama kepada Bapak Henry Kusnadi yang secara langsung telah membantu kami dalam bidang perencanaan arsitek dan study kelayakan proyek “The Fairway” serta pembuatan konsep proyek dengan sangat baik dan memuaskan. Seperti kita tahu bahwa kualitas tidak datang secara kebetulan, namun diupayakan dengan luar biasa dan serius serta kerja keras dari seluruh team yang ada “
“ Having reviewed Indomegah’s plan to have anew look – which entils a new identity demonstrates that the company still evolves, despite to face the future : a willingness that is also hinted throught Indomegah’s eagerness to work with the media like ours ”
“ What a wonderful creation pride especially in property development ”
“ Henry, Keep going for the exploration of the unlimited architecture, but always bear ini mind that “Living safety is the most important thing not to be ignored in design.” Succes ! “
“ Pelayanan yang cepat dengan kualitas yang baik, itu yang selalu kami ingat pada proyek Tamini Square. Untuk kedepannya semoga Indomegah dapat lebih meningkatkan design yang lebih menarik dan menjadi inspirator bagi design yang lain “
Received ten consecutive Top Ten Architects Awards in Indonesia by BCI Asia
Since 2005, the BCI Asia Top Ten Awards has successfully placed itself among the most coveted awards for the Asian building and design industry. Held in seven different Asian territories; Hong Kong SAR, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, the Top Ten Awards recognizes developer and architecture firms with the highest valued portfolio of projects during the last full calendar years.
This exclusive, by-invitation only event allows firms to position themselves with top stakeholders in the Asian Construction market, as well as providing an extensive networking platform for elite property developers, architecture firms, engineering consultants, manufacturers and service providers. From 2005-2014, Architect Indomegah successfully gained Top Ten Architects Awards in Indonesia by BCI Asia. It means for 10 consecutive years, Architect Indomegah has gained the reliable trust from developers and become one of the well-respected architecture firms in Indonesia. Receiving Top Ten Architects Awards in Indonesia have also proven that Indomegah is one of the most productive architectural firms in Indonesia.